Sales Objectives

Supply Chain Objectives

  • Well defined Supply chain objectives give the competitive edge to the company and better value to its customers
  • Supply chain objectives are ambitious goals that motivate the team to maintain end-to-end visibility of the company’s operations for the desired period, typically a Quarter
  • Objectives are qualitative directional statements. - Eg. Build an adaptive and agile supply chain
  • Supply Chain objectives typically include areas like - Quality Management, Financial Management, Strategic Vendor Partnerships, Cross-docking in Supply Networks, etc
Sales Key Results

Supply Chain Key Results

  • Key Results are the means to achieve an objective (The “How to achieve”)
  • Key Results should be measurable, tracked regularly, ambitious, yet achievable
  • A good Supply chain Key Result example would be,”100% Supplier Qualification to be driven through the SQS process”
  • Some Supply Chain KPIs are Cash-to-Cash Cycle Time, Inventory Turnover, Delivery, and Shipment Times

Supply Chain OKR Examples

  • Include Sustainability as a Facet in Supply Chain Operations

  • Increase sustainability index further 13%

    10% 13% 12%
  • Maintain saving from education of carbon inefficiencies to $ 35K

    $17.5K $52.5K $21.51K
  • Maintain saving from less waste with “recycle-reuse-refurbish” materials to $10K

    $5000 $15K $8347.28
  • Take Full Advantage of Technology in Supply Chain

  • Increase number of supplier qualification from buyer & supplier community models

    0% 100% 75%
    404060 60 60
  • Achieve 100% automation of Supply Chain visibility

    0% 100% 30%
    404060 60 60
  • Adopt Modern Key Trends Changing the Supply Chain Management

  • Increase number of outsourcing partner included in the information chain from 15 to 50

    15 50 34
  • Reduce complex product life cycles to 45 days

    60 Day(s) 45 Day(s) 55 Day(s)
  • Plan and Implement Decision Support Systems

  • Increase the number of decisions taken with prescriptive analytics recommendations

    0% 100% 15%
    404060 60 60
  • Reduce the cost of excessive inventory with big data analytics recommendation

    0% 100% 60%
    404060 60 60